So for some very lucky pregnant women, they experience no morning sickness or very mild morning sickness. Mine was the complete opposite of that, at about three months I developed hyperemesis gravidarum also known as excessive vommiting.
This for me lasted almost my whole pregnancy, I found it to hard to work or really do much as every time I went outside I ended up throwing up. Although I was always prepared with a carrier bag it still doesn't make you feel any less embarrassed especially when you don't look pregnant yet, as I'm sure people probably thought I had a rough night out or something!
Hyperemesis gravidarum is not somethings you can really get used to, I always tried every possible medication to try calm it down just so I could try get my life back to normal. But nothing really worked for me, I ended up losing a lot of weight and visited the hospital many times for a drip due to dehydration. However I can say that one medication called ondansetron did eventually calm the sickness down, it didn't stop all together but I was able to keep some fluid and drink down.
The best advice I can give is to visit the hospital if you have been throwing up mostly everything you have taken in, don't leave it to long if you are feeling weak or dehydrated. Anything that you fancy eating or drinking in the day try it, as even if you are sick some may stay down which means you are getting some nutrients rather then none. Try AVOID foods strong in flavour as this can really put you off them for that and also try avoid greasy or fatty foods.
Another thing that helped me during my sickness was my partner, he kept encouraging me to eat and drink even when I fancied nothing and he ran me baths when I didn't have the energy to do it myself.
I can't tell anyone to take medication or not as its a personal choice, obviously it's better to try and take nothing during your pregnancy. However If you are finding the sickness to much to cope with then you should consider speaking to the doctor, I had tried a lot for the sickness to try calm it down and I took one throughout the whole if my pregnancy and this had no effect on my sons health.
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